Event Schedule

Virtual Event Schedule

Lehigh Valley Molecular and Cell Biology Society

5th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

To be held on April 14th, 2021 from 6-9pm Eastern via Zoom

Event Schedule:

6pm Welcome

Welcome by Dr. Amy Hark, Professor of Biology, Muhlenberg College

6:05-6:45pm Micro Talks 

Participants will join pre-assigned breakout rooms where up to five presenting students will  briefly discuss their work.

For Students:
Students, we ask that you be prepared to share no more than 5 Google/Power Point slides rather than a typical poster.  Presentations should be around ~4 min, allowing ~1-2 min for a quick question(s) during the transition to the next presenter.

7-7:45pm Short Talks 

Participants will join one of two Zoom sessions, where selected students* can give 6-8 min talks followed by a few minutes for questions.
*One student/project group from each institution with a faculty member(s) on the advisory committee (six LVAIC schools plus Marywood and Kutztown), with selection done by each institution.

8-9pm Keynote

Introduction by Dr. Bruce Wightman, Professor of Biology, Muhlenberg College

Keynote Address

“Toward Community Surveillance for COVID-19” given by Dr. Lea Starita, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington
